Looking for a Trick or Treat alternative? Make some of these adorable DIY pumpkin eggs and do a fun Halloween candy hunt instead!
Are you wondering why I made DIY pumpkin eggs? So where we live, they haven’t made an announcement yet about whether Trick-or-Treating will happen this year. We probably won’t go even if they do hold it because we live near an area where it gets really crowded. It’s fun, but there would be no way to social distance because people line up at the “good houses”. (You know, the ones with full size candy?)
Literally no one comes Trick-or-Treating on our block. I even stopped buying candy altogether. But we are walking distance from a couple blocks that take Halloween VERY seriously.
And anyway, last year it snowed several inches on Halloween, there were a couple houses we passed with full size winter snowmen in their front yards. And hardly anyone was out. So you never know, even if they allow trick or treat, the weather could be terrible anyway.
So I was trying to think of a Halloween trick or treat alternative. Last year my kids’ favorite part of Halloween, after the freezing snowy very short walk, was turning all the lights off to watch Halloween movies in the dark with pizza. And by Halloween movies I mean things like Charlie Brown Halloween special with the Great Pumpkin and other things on Netflix that are zero percent scary.
So we’ve talked about doing that again, but they are very concerned with how they will get candy. Baby V says we can just buy her a big bag which made me laugh. But I wanted a way to make it a little more interesting so when one of the moms on our local mom social media page suggested hiding the candy around the house, I was all over that!
But I want to make it a little more festive. And also not have loose candy all over my house. So I came up with these super quick and easy DIY pumpkin eggs so you can have your own Halloween candy hunt.
I grabbed some plastic Easter eggs we had in the basement, picking just the orange ones for now, but honestly, these will be cute even if you use the regular pastel colored eggs you have lying around. And hey, thanks to the magic of the internet age, you can totally buy Easter eggs in October!
(Also, someone should start selling Easter eggs by color. We started doing color coded egg hunting so each kid would have one kind of egg to look for and they could be hidden harder for the big kid and easier for the little. And then they’d end up with the same amount. But you can’t buy them by color unless you want to spend way more than plastic Easter eggs should cost! )
Anyway, this craft would be really fun to do with your kids, but if you decide to make DIY jack-o-lantern eggs by yourself, it’s incredibly quick and easy. It’s so fast I made a video!
DIY Pumpkin Egg and Halloween Candy Hunt Supply List
DIY Pumpkin Egg Instructions
- Grab an orange plastic easter egg
- Draw a cute Jack-o’-Lantern face on the egg with a black paint pen
- Fill the egg with fun size candy and hide it for an easy Halloween candy hunt!
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