These totally gorgeous and totally FREE bag & purse patterns will keep your sewing machine busy!
I remember when I first discovered that Etsy existed. I think it was somewhere around 2007 and I had a job that involved significant chunks of time spent waiting for huge files to open on my very old and very slow computer.
So I would occasionally surf the internet and one day I found this woman who not only had a blog, but also sold adorable handmade totebags on Etsy. This was before everyone and their mother had a blog an etsy shop so to say I was excited is an understatement.
I thought to myself, what an awesome idea to make something so cute like that yourself! (It only took me 6 more years to open my own Etsy shop!)
And then I very quickly discovered Amy Butler and online fabric shops and I realized that a lot had changed since the last time I was in a fabric store. Quilting fabric wasn’t just for old ladies anymore, suddenly designers were designing fabric for people just like me!
I already had a sewing machine but I started experimenting with sewing bags and purses from patterns. There weren’t a lot online then, but you could buy some very cute ones. My fave was the Weekender Bag.
Now don’t get me wrong, making bags and purses is pretty labor intensive, but I loved the feeling of accomplishment when it was finished.
These days with 2 buys kids running around, I rarely make them anymore unless it’s a simple tote bag or one of my Easy 3 Seam Drawstring Gift Bags (Haven’t tried them yet? You have to, they’re SO easy!) but that doesn’t stop me from admiring the amazing free bag & purse patterns that other bloggers put out!
So here are 20 Gorgeous (and FREE!) DIY Bag & Purse Patterns!
Please click through and pin from the source!
Here are a few more amazing free bag & purse patterns:
Origami Bento Bag from Very Shannon
Insulated Lunch Hamper from Camelot Fabrics
Tablet Carrier Bag from Craft Passion
Rope Handbag from The Long Thread
Reversible Box Tote from Very Shannon
Cosmetic Bag from Hannah in the House
Pleated Tote from The Long Thread
Zipper Book Clutch from See Kate Sew
Color Blocked Clutch from Love Stitched
It’s a Cinch Bag from Sweet Verbena
Organizer Wallet from LBG Studio
Lunchbox Bag with Drawstring Cover from Craft Passion
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Leslie says
These are so fun! I’m going to try my hand at sewing again. It was a disaster the first time I tried but I want to do it so bad. Haha.
Cassie May says
Keep at it, there are so many fun things you can make even as a beginner!! good luck!
Mari says
I love love this share! Thank you so much Cassie 🙂