Find the perfect thing for your craft loving loved one who likes to make things with this year’s crafty gift guide!
If you have a crafty friend or loved one, then you know that the quickest way to their heart is through craft supplies. Particularly something that they either haven’t seen before or want but might not buy for themselves. So today we’ve got the best crafty gift guide for all of your craft gifting needs!
When I was a kid, I got craft related gifts allllll the time. I’ve also gotten gift cards to a craft store before but to be honest, opening surprise craft supplies is much more fun and exciting.
Getting a box full of craft supplies is almost as much fun as actually being IN the craft store (let’s be honest, that’s our favorite place on Earth). And considering a lot of people are avoiding shopping trips in person, this year in particular, it would be nice to bring the craft store to them!
You really can’t go wrong since most crafty people have some kind of craft stash where they keep supplies and tools to use later when the right craft idea hits them.
If you aren’t sure what your crafty loved one would like go with something that can be used in crafts or in regular life like beautiful washi tape or a really cool cordless glue gun. You could also upgrade their tools with a nicer craft knife or a huge cutting mat.
I also think fun office supplies fall into the realm of crafty gifts as well. Anything that sparks creativity and beauty is awesome.
On the other hand, if you know what they like, for example, if they do a lot of scrapbooking. If they sew, get them some fun sewing pins or a fancier rotary cutter. If they knit, get them stitch markers or a cute project bag. Basically, go for something more specific.
Crafty Gift Guide - 2020
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