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Happy almost Earth Day! I think some Eco Friendly Crafts are in order, what do you think?
Recently, O came home from preschool having made a castle out of empty cardboard food boxes. It was actually really cool and it got me thinking about doing a better job of reusing materials or choosing eco-friendly materials in my projects.
I already love to make things out of stuff I have on hand. Have you seen my cardboard sewing machine? Or my cardboard mailbox?
My kids love playing and creating with found objects too. Give O a cardboard box, some markers and some tape and he’s all set for at least an hour!
I know I’m not the first parent to see this and seriously consider tossing all of my kids’ toys and just letting the play with the boxes everything came in!
Eco Friendly Crafts go hand in hand with attempting to use things from my craft stash instead of buying new stuff (I am terrible at this!) It’s hard to resist the call of the endcap at the craft store, but I can do it!
So today I found you some cute, creative Green & Eco-Friendly Crafts that don’t look recycled and homemade! Enjoy!
Welcome to Little Red Window! I’m Cassie, a professional craft and knitwear designer working in the field for more than 10 years. I have a degree in Art History from Northwestern University and a Master's Degree in Architecture and Design from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. I've designed more than 300 separate knitting patterns, hundreds of craft projects, and I love to bring joy to your crafts and knitting with well-designed, easy to understand tutorials and patterns.
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