Download and print your own “Life is a Beautiful Ride” free printable!
Well friends, without much fanfare I went and closed down my Etsy printables shop about a month ago. (It’s now only selling knitting patterns!) Etsy has changed sooo much since I started and I finally had my first month in three years where I didn’t make any money. And while I don’t miss having a split focus, I do miss the graphic design part of doing those hand-drawn printables. So I thought we’d try something new here at Little Red Window and see how it goes. Each week on Fridays I’m going to post a new free printable for you guys to enjoy. No strings attached, you don’t have to sign up for my newsletter or anything to get it (although, if you love me, you really should sign up!) And actually, wait there are some tiny strings attached, the printables are for personal use only. So no posting them on your own website, no printing them out and selling them etc. I think you get the idea.
And this week’s “Life is a Beautiful Ride” printable is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. Because as much as everyone under the sun tells you that the baby years go by quickly, I was COMPLETELY unprepared for how much faster they are going with Baby V. How can she be crawling and have a tooth already?! So, I’m really making a conscious effort to pay attention to the good parts as much as I can. Does that sounds annoying and too cliche? Because trust me, there are plenty of screaming five year olds, gross diapers and spit up down my shirt, but I’m attempting to focus less on that stuff and more on the smiles and giggles.
Anyway, here’s how this works, click the link below and you’ll get a pdf that opens in a new window which you can then save and/or print. They are set up to be 8″ x 10″ prints but they print on regular 8.5″ x 11″ letter size paper (I recommend cardstock for printing at home) and then you can cut it down to 8″ x 10″. Pop it in a frame or pin it to the wall and you’re all set! Enjoy!
Click to download and print your free printable.
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Buffy waller says
Thank you very much
snapchat says
Thanks a lot.
subway surfers says
Thanks for your sharing. Hope you can contribute more quality posts to this page. Thank you!
Grace Doyle says
I’m sad to hear your etsy shop has come to a close. Etsy really has changed over the years but I am really excited about your printables! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Cassie May says
awww, thanks! It may be temporary, we’ll see!